Study in Malta

Right in the centre of the mediterranean lies the beautiful islands of Malta, altogether the islands inhabit over 400.000 people. As English is an official language of Malta along with maltese this may be just the perfect place for your first study abroad experience. Valetta is the capital of Malta and also the center of attention for many tourists as the town holds many of the museums, theaters and other tourist attractions. But if you are staying for a longer time than a normal vacation usually lasts for you should definitely take the time to see at least some of the other two large islands. Malta has a long history and has been a part of many historic passthroughs of the world so there is very much to see on the comparably small surface of the Maltese islands.

We are working with the following University

Required Documents For Admission

SSC and HSC marksheet

Valid Passport (Main)

4 copies passport size photo (White Background)

SSC and HSC certificate

Police Clearance

Medical Report

Bank statements

Bank Solvency Certificate



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